Handbag Authentication Guides
How does the Bag earn the Tag?
We know that shopping for pre-owned luxury items isn't easy and nothing will ruin your day faster than finding out that the handbag you bought on an auction or consignment website turns out to be a counterfeit.
We promise the authenticity of every item we sell or 100% of your money back including original and return shipping costs.
Only 100% authentic bags earn the tag!
We are trained professionals in distinguishing the “wanna-bes” from the “real deal.” Whether it's a handbag or necklace, determining the authenticity of an item is a mix of art and science. Items such as stampings, symmetry, stitching, hardware, authenticity stamps, as well as overall workmanship and materials are inspected and determined to be consistent with the manufacturer's established standards of quality. If applicable, manufacturer date codes and serial numbers are verified for consistency. Lastly, the item is compared to on-hand authentic reference items.